
Showing posts from July, 2020

Why Do They Hurt You?

                               My Mom asked me to put her thoughts in my blog. So here I am. First of all, Thank You Mum.                               Here is something most of us must have heard before:        " A person who hurts you in any way is in great pain."                        - [ Unknown] HOW IS THIS TRUE? Just take few minutes and answer this, Which emotion are you feeling right now? Positive or Negative? Now if someone comes to you and say something which you don't like, how will you respond? You would respond in a positive manner if your emotion is positive and in negative manner if your emotion is negative. This is so simple. Go and say something to an angry person, he/she would interpret your words into negative and go and say someth...


When nothing seems in control, something is in control and that something is our thoughts. And everyone has the freedom to think and ask the universe to make everything in control. Ask the Universe? Yes, we can always ask the universe and that's what prayer means. Truly, miracles happen when we pray. 1. What to Pray? "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything."   [ Philippians 4:6-7] Pray about everything. We can pray, ask or share everything with the God/ Universe. And this is pretty cool because prayer is the solution to every problem which seems impossible to solve. When we've nothing, we have the ability to pray. 2. Ask, Believe, Receive   ASK: When offering a prayer, stay clear for what you want. You can also write it down, make the points and then ask. Let the Universe know clearly what you want. BELIEVE: If you've asked, you've to believe because then only you'll receive. "Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye sh...

The Power Of Words

  Words , the most powerful force in the universe. Once said, can't be taken back. Universe is always accepting and working on our words. Undoubtedly, words have frequency and energy. 1. Words have Energy . Words have a very strong energy. When we speak a single word, universe is always catching those and responding to them. So, the words we speak most of the time are likely to be our LIFE. 2. Words have Frequency . Well, everything has a frequency. Sometimes the words we speak don't happen. Instead, anything which matches the frequency of those words happens. There is one example: "I want $1 million." has a frequency say 'x' Hertz. "I want a good and loving relationship." has the same  frequency 'x' Hertz.  Now, we say most of time is " I want $1 million." But we don't get 1 million instead we get a good and loving relationship whereas we asked for dollars. And we are not feeling grateful for the relationship because that's...


THE GLAD GAME Life is a game. A game which everyone gets  the opportunity to play. A game has levels. Most of us have won some levels several times. Then, as the time passed we got to new levels, which we were not able to win and we forgot that we too were once winners. We forgot to notice the beauty of life and started noticing the negativity, we started noticing what could not happen instead of what could happen. We too were once winners. This game could be won by anyone, who has two things in him/her : First, the person sees good in every situation. Second, the person takes action and when he/she is taking action, he/she believes. And if you're only able to build one of the above i.e; seeing good in everything and everyone,  the result will encourage you to build the second one too. Apparently,  the one who can think good can act good. "When I started counting my blessings , my whole life turned around." -Willie Nelson In the novel Pollyanna, a little girl who lost her...


WHY PROBLEMS? Firstly, Problems are the part of our life. Secondly, without problems, your mind will seek for new things. Our mind can't even stay in the same situation for long. Mind need games to play to keep working. Just like our body needs exercise to stay healthy, our mind needs exercise too. Solving problems are like mind exercises. These exercises make us stronger. "Problems make us stronger" Thirdly, you'll get bored. Without problems you'll get bored and boredom leads to depression. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FACE A PROBLEM? It's simple. Solve them. Human minds are capable to solve any problem. They're like a mathematics sum which involves steps to solve. So, there are always few steps to solve any type of problem. We just need to find the steps. If you can't find, create them. SOMETIMES THE PROBLEM DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. Jay Shetty in one of his podcast said:     "Ask yourself: Is this a real problem?" For this, he explained a 5/5/5/5 Ru...

How to be kind?

UNIVERSAL LOVING KINDNESS Long ago when Buddha’s disciples came back from the forest where they meditated, they complaint the great one that they were being disturbed by some spirits in the forest. Buddha advised them something , perhaps which we all if started following in our life would make us free from all the negativity. He taught them “UNIVERSAL LOVING KINDNESS” which in simplest words means to be kind to yourself and everyone. Yes everyone, including our enemies. When his disciples came back the next day from the ritual of their meditation from the same forest where they were being disturbed , they told Buddha that they were not at all disturbed by any spirit. *** There is an ego hidden inside all of us. Let’s face it, we are humans and we are somewhere filled with ego. Maybe a little. The two indicators of our ego are GREED and HATRED. But there is always some positive energy that cancels a negative one. GIVING is the opposite of GREED. AND LOVE is the oppos...

How to Love Yourself?

SELF LOVE Lovin g oneself.                    Which will not happen by sayin g “I LOVE YOU’ to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. That’s completely fooling yourself.                    Self Love is not bein g beautiful. Even the prettiest and the most good looking people we know struggle to love themselves. It’s also not getting all the materialistic things. Even the wealthiest people we know don’t respect themselves.                    Self Love is lovin g oneself from within.                    Self Love is never never judg ing oneself.            ...


Healin g Have you ever tried to become positive and felt even more negative? Yes, Many of us did. Because being positive is not suppressing your inner feelings. Being positive is realizing what we feel , accepting all the feelings and then healing those which keep making us miserable and then move forward with optimism,  g ratitude and love. Stop avoiding your misery and pain.   How to Heal? Healin g is done by expressin g  an ger, sadness, fears, re grets and love. You may take a piece of paper and a pen. Or Sit in a quiet and comfortable place. You may also close your eyes and put your right hand on your left chest. Let’s Start… 1.     AN G ER Count the thin gs which make you angry from your past. Especially, if you’re a person who never express his an ger.Write all the reasons from your past and present which make you angry. Expressing your anger is important.   [ We are humans and we become angry at moments] ...

want to become a little happier?

The 54321 Rule When to use? ·             To feel grateful for a past memory . ·             To visualize your future. ·             To become present ·             To become happy. ·             To concentrate, focus. ·             Anytime.   What is the rule?      Count…           5 Thin gs you can   SEE           4 Things you can TOUCH           3 Thin gs you can HEAR           2 Things you can SMELL           1 Thing you can TASTE   Guess What?      You involved all your senses at a time. I...


His mother told us the story the day after.     Kenneth was in junior high school and was excited and eager about participating in a day of Special Olympics events. While his parents watched expectantly from the stands, he ran, and won, the first race. He was proud of his ribbon and the cheers from the crowd.     He ran in the  second race. Just at the finish line, when he again would have won, he stopped, then stepped off the track. His parents gently questioned him. "Why did you do that, Kenneth? If you had continued running , you would have won another race."     Kenneth innocently replied, "But , Mom, I already have ribbon. Billy didn't have a ribbon yet."                                                             ...