How to be kind?

Be kind.


Long ago when Buddha’s disciples came back from the forest where they meditated, they complaint the great one that they were being disturbed by some spirits in the forest. Buddha advised them something , perhaps which we all if started following in our life would make us free from all the negativity.

He taught them “UNIVERSAL LOVING KINDNESS” which in simplest words means to be kind to yourself and everyone.

Yes everyone, including our enemies.

When his disciples came back the next day from the ritual of their meditation from the same forest where they were being disturbed , they told Buddha that they were not at all disturbed by any spirit.


There is an ego hidden inside all of us. Let’s face it, we are humans and we are somewhere filled with ego. Maybe a little.

The two indicators of our ego are GREED and HATRED.

But there is always some positive energy that cancels a negative one.

GIVING is the opposite of GREED.


LOVE is the opposite of HATRED.

By giving more and more, our greed will be cancelled  and the more we love everything and everyone, all the hatred will be cancelled and  then we’ll be filled with true kindness.

This is why Jesus said:

               Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

And Guru Nanak told us in his three golden rules:

            “ Kirat karo, Naam Japo , Vand chhako”

            [ Work hard with honesty, remember the almighty, and Use your wealth and time with a needy.]

And Bhavad Gita stated:

            Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness.

And The Prophet  Mohammad said:

                Spend in charity and do not count for, then Allah will also keep count in giving you provision.”

The Power of Giving: How Brands Benefit From Generosity |

 Practice Universal Loving Kindness for yourself, your loved ones, your parents, your relatives, your friends, strangers and your enemies.

Practice loving kindness with your enemies because when your enemies will be at peace, they won’t remain your enemies anymore.

                “Pray for those who mistreat you.”   [ LUKE 6:28]

“Hate is never overcome by hate
By love alone it is quelled.
This is a truth of ancient date.
Today still unexcelled.


Thank You.


  1. Very nice my daughter.��❤

  2. Spreading love all around❤️

  3. Incredible words. Keep it up my girl❤

  4. Thank you for this . I need itπŸ‘

  5. This is amazingπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  6. H"is never overcome by hate
    By love alone it is quelled."

  7. This was marvelous πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° staying positive is difficult but still it’s the key to becoming a happier person it was really amazing ♥️

  8. Kindness is power πŸ’“


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