
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness. Sometimes life gives us intense happiness and sometimes intense sorrow. Sometimes, life gives us an unexpected news that leads us to a deep sorrow which makes us feel like the world is crashing. We feel like we may never get through this. We feel so many mixed emotions which may or may not have experienced before. Sometimes, we feel like to talk and sometimes, we feel like to stay alone. TIME IS WHAT WE NEED When faced by an unexpected pain, we should always remember that it will take time. Maybe a very long time to accept and to get through everything. Pain is one of the most unpleasant reality of life and if this circumstance is very new, then time is what we need. EXPRESSING EMOTIONS Expressing one's emotions and venting out every feeling inside us helps us. Allowing ourselves to feel the sadness or crying it out helps to soften our pain. HEAL Healing is a long process. Sometimes it takes a very long time to accept the circumstances ...

Truth Vs Discouragement

  Honesty, officially called as the best policy. Of course, it is the best ever policy. Being honest with ourselves and everyone else strengthens our will power and therefore our self respect. There is an old saying:  "If you speak truth, then you don't need to remember anything." - Unknown But here is a question: How often you speak the truth and hurt the other person?. Many times we do. We say such things to the other person which according to us is a truth but lowers the self worth of that person. And lowering someone's self worth is the worst thing we can do that to that person. When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. - Dale Carnegie May be it's a truth according to you but not according to that person. You think that he/she is not good enough. But that person doesn't think like this. And the truth you think is truth could be a lie to that person. We all have different opinions and that'...


 If you could do only one thing that doesn't take much efforts and give you all the abundance, then  what would you do? Or If you could do only one thing that too doesn't take much efforts but will take away even what you have, then what would you do? First one is GRATITUDE. Second is COMPLAINT. I didn't say this, all the great philosophers and even all the the religions believe this.  Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever doesn't have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her. - RHONDA BYRNE 1. "But I Am Already Grateful." A person who is truly grateful would never use phrases like " I don't have enough anything " The statement is clearly opposing gratitude. A grateful person is quite aware of the fact that he has many things in him which others might lack.  2. Make A List Take out some time for yourself and write down all  your strengths and even the material things or go...

As A Man Thinketh

 โ€œAs a man thinketh in his heart so shall he beโ€ by James Allen is a popular self-help book which throws light on how our thoughts are effecting our life and circumstances. The book contains seven small chapters with a huge wisdom that would change the lives of many if understood and implied accordingly with faith and acceptance. So here I would like to reveal the deep meanings of this book. 1. Thought and Character The author tells that oneโ€™s character is the sum of oneโ€™s own thoughts. Whatever he is; he is because of what he has always thought; thoughts including both conscious and unconscious. The author has explained this fact by relating our thoughts to a seed and our life to the plant that springs from a thought (seed).  Sow a seed ๐Ÿ‘‰ Flower ๐Ÿ‘‰ Fruit Similarly,  Thoughts ๐Ÿ‘‰ Actions ๐Ÿ‘‰ Results  Meaning: Your thoughts are the seeds you choose to sow inside you. Your actions are the blossom of your thoughts (seeds) and your Joy and Sufferings are the fruits. ...


60 MINUTES Here is a fact: 50% of our Happiness depends on our Genes. 40% of our Happiness depends on our Choices. 10% of our Happiness depends on our Current Situations. 40% of our Happiness depends on our Choices. Hence, we and only we are responsible for our 40% Happiness. 40% of the Happiness is a lot. No one can stay 100% happy all the time. But, we all can stay 40% happy all the time.  CHOICES You Are Always Choosing - Subtle Art Of Not giving A F*ck You choose to wake up early and finish all the stuffs or you choose to stay in bed till 2 pm. You choose to workout daily or you choose not to. You choose to laugh more or you choose to stay miserable. You are always choosing, either something you like or something you don't. Then, you also choose to judge yourself for not choosing the right thing instead of choosing to commit to yourself and then keeping the commitment.  So, this is how your 40% of happiness depends on your Choices. Your choices make your habits. Y...